Tuesday, March 2, 2021 – This afternoon, Governor Abbott introduced several changes to the state’s current pandemic protocol. This includes increasing capacity at public venues and lifting the mask mandate effective March 10, 2021. Odessa College will always prioritize the health and safety of our community, our students and our employees; and we will continue to follow the CDC guidelines to mitigate the spread and unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus. The college’s screening and sanitization protocols significantly reduce exposure to the virus in learning and student support spaces. As such, the college will maintain the current pandemic protocol until further notice:
- Daily health screenings;
- Mandatory face coverings;
- Social distancing practices; and
- Sanitization of work, learning and student support spaces.
Please continue taking recommended precautions to protect yourself and others while on campus: avoid close contact with others; clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated; wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you are not feeling well, or you would like to schedule a test for COVID-19, please contact our OC CARES partner Medical Center Health System at 432-640-2100 or mchoncall@echd.org. COVID-19 tests are available at discounted rates: $15 for students and $25 for employees. Free testing is available for those who qualify.
Campus and community resources are available to students impacted by COVID-19 including a food pantry, a licensed professional counselor and mental health resources, as well as emergency aid.
Employees, Students & Visitors
In accordance with Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order, all Odessa College employees, students, visitors and vendors are required to wear appropriate face coverings that cover the nose AND mouth in college facilities and extension centers. The executive order is also applicable at all OC sponsored events and activities. This is a zero tolerance policy.
Face coverings will be required outdoors at all OC facilities and extension centers when it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person that does not reside in the same household.
Employees are not required to wear face coverings in their private office or workspace. Face coverings are required when engaging with colleagues, students or visitors in private offices and workspaces.
Enforcement of Face Covering Executive Order
Odessa College continues to follow the CDC guidelines to mitigate the spread and unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus. The college’s screening and sanitization protocols significantly reduce exposure to the virus in learning and student support spaces. Employees, visitors, students and vendors will be required to complete a daily health screening at designated campus entrances. Students, visitors and vendors will receive an armband to verify the health screening process has been completed. The armband must be worn throughout the campus visit.
As the college enforces the face covering executive order, importance will be placed on faculty and staff to ensure that all students and staff comply with this mandate. The ROAR process below is designed to address noncompliance on campus, in classrooms and learning support spaces:
- Remind individual of the face covering executive order (the face covering must be worn over mouth and nose). Individuals with the college approved face covering exemption must present exemption card. (Request a face covering/mask exemption)
- Example: “Hi. My name is Dr. Martinez, and I am an instructor for English 1301. What is your name? It’s nice to meet you Mary, I am not sure if you are aware, but OC requires a face covering inside all campus buildings for the safety of our community. Please wear your face covering for the duration of our class.”
- Offer them an opportunity to retrieve their personal mask.
- Ask the individual to leave the class or the learning support space. It they refuse to comply, please contact the OCPD on call officer via phone or text at 432-238-6334.
- Report to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) through the online BIT Report. Reports can be made at the following link: http://rie0.6lwboc.com/employees/behavioral-intervention-team/Report-a-Concern/index.html
Non-compliance with the face covering executive order requirements may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the student code of conduct, applicable employment policies and procedures, and loss of entry rights for campus visitors. The CATS process below provides the scaffolded protocol for conduct, sanctions and noncompliance:
- Counsel – individual will receive a warning through OCPD or a campus administrator documented through OCPD (information will be forwarded to HR or Student Life, as applicable, for further documentation)
- Action – individual will receive a campus citation issued through OCPD (information will be forwarded to HR or Student Life, as applicable, for further documentation)
- Transition –
- Student will be moved to online classes
- Faculty/staff are subject to progressive discipline
- Visitors will be offered online interactions only
- Suspension
- Student will be placed on disciplinary suspension and removed from classes
- Faculty/ Staff are subject to progressive discipline
- Visitors will be issued a Criminal Trespass Warning
If an individual poses an immediate threat to themselves or the safety of others, such as exhibiting physical violence, brandishing a weapon, or making threats to physically harm themselves or others in the immediate area, please call 911.
Questions regarding students may be directed to Dr. Urisonya Flunder at uflunder@6lwboc.com or OCPD at (432)335-6666.
Questions regarding faculty and staff may be directed to Lindsey Bryant at lbryant@6lwboc.com or OCPD at (432)335-6666.